Business owner: Stig Flensborg
Management: Stig Flensborg
Address of the office, and address for return of parcels:
LADA World
Mannerupvej 52
4320 Lejre
VAT ID .: DK31302315
We do not use telephones, since our customers are all around the world, and our staff is VERY limited.
Bank for SEPA money transfer (Single Euro Payments Area):
Bank: Jyske Bank
Country: Denmark
Account holder/Beneficial: LADA World, Stig Flensborg
SWIFT address (BIC-code): JYBADKKK
IBAN (account number): DK0850620001096853
All currencies are accepted at transfer. However, we prefer the Danish currency: DKK (Danish Krone)
For contact, please note:
• We are not always at our address. If you want to pick up orders, please arrange an appointment
• We cannot handle your orders, or shipping as express
• Since we receive a lot of e-mails, it often takes 2-5 days before you get an answer. (Since our staffing is very limited)
For questions about products and how to buy, please use our Support site: Questions
For contact, please use this form: Contact
For a quick response, please use the following languages:
1. Danish/English: Super Fast
2. Swedish/Norwegian: Quick
3. German: Slower
4. All other languages: Very Slow